About whooweswho.net
Since 2009, kidandki.net
helps roommates to share their common expenses and friends to do their accounts.
was born in southwestern France, in a house of flatmates with a complex accounting situation: we were between 7 and 9 roommates and shared the meal costs. Frequently, roommates were replaced, while others were on holiday. And also with some roommates less present than others, making fair accounts was difficult.
For posterity:
Built by its users
To date, the author of whooweswho.net
and his roommates still use the site. That's why in 2017, the site was completely redesigned to work also on tablets and mobiles.
The work on whooweswho.net is never finished: you can influence its development by slipping your ideas to contact@whooweswho.net.
Open source
The source code of the application is open and available on Bitbucket.org.